Asia Pacific and Latin America Corporate Decarbonization Leaders


Apala Group’s Featured Updates

Corporate Renewable Energy Opportunities, including PPAs and VPPAs in Taiwan, South Korea, Japan

New Post: A Deep Dive into PPAs and VPPAs in East Asia

In our latest blog post, Apala Group’s Jessi Cai dives deeper into PPA and VPPA corporate renewable energy procurement opportunities in Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan.


Apala Group Supports Uber Planet With High-Impact Carbon Projects

Apala Group is pleased to announce a strategic alliance with Uber Planet in Mexico to deliver carbon reductions from high-impact projects. This partnership will focus on supporting local conservation, reforestation and renewable energy efforts that are certified by internationally recognized third parties and demonstrate measurable impact.


Taiwan Corporate Power Purchase Agreement (CPPA) Projects Available

Looking for renewable energy supply for your operations or supply chain partners in Taiwan? Contact Apala Group for information on current corporate power purchase agreement (CPPA) opportunities in the market.


Join Us for Apala Group’s Colombia Market Meetup

How can you or your suppliers buy renewable energy in Colombia? Join Orrin Cook and Ana Ortiz Rios of Apala Group, Nicolas Zea of EcoGOx, and other market experts on February 2, 2023 at 11:00 AM PT as we discuss the latest developments and market opportunities for corporate renewable energy procurement in Colombia.


Insights: Roadmapping Supply Chain Decarbonization

Many corporations are looking to reduce Scope 3 emissions in their supply chains, but how should companies get started? From understanding goals to implementation and reporting, Apala Group’s Emily Tradd explains why a supply chain decarbonization roadmap is a great tool for companies looking to take the next step with their climate commitments.


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