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Corporate Renewable Energy Market Reports



The Taiwan electricity market has evolved significantly in recent years as increasing numbers of large corporations and their suppliers have pushed for new options for procuring renewable energy. Whether for voluntary or compliance purposes, companies can now choose between onsite, bundled and attribute-only renewable energy products. The Taiwan renewable energy market is poised for robust growth in the coming years.

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Japan’s electricity market allows buyers of renewable energy to meet their electricity and carbon reduction commitments through multiple procurement pathways, including onsite generation, retail renewable energy, corporate PPAs (CPPAs), and unbundled EACs. Japan’s EAC market is considerably complex, with a variety of certificate schemes (NFCs, J-Credits, GECs) circulating and unique RE100/CDP reporting considerations for each.

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With vast renewable energy potential and ample land, Mexico is well situated to develop significant clean energy generation in the coming decade. Following reforms in 2014, new opportunities for the private sector to participate in the electricity market were enabled, including corporate power purchase agreements (CPPAs).


Malaysia’s electricity market provides corporate buyers of renewable energy with multiple procurement pathways, including corporate power purchase agreements (PPAs) and a variety of other bundled and unbundled options. The volume of corporate transactions has thus far been limited, but attractive offsite PPA opportunities are emerging and will be a private sector demand driver in the coming years.

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